Christmas at Farmleigh
Farmleigh House and Estate Phoenix Park, Dublin 15, Ireland12-12:30pm, 13:45-14:15, 15:30-16:00, Christmas Puppet Show by Yourmans Puppets, Cowshed Theatre (Ticketed*) 12:45-13:30, 14:30-15:15, 16:15-17:00, Storytelling for Children with Aron Hegarty, Old Kitchen (Ticketed*) 13:30 – 13.55, 14.15 – 14.40, 15.00 – 15.25, Carols in the Ballroom with Firhouse Singers, Farmleigh House (Ticketed*) 14:00-16:00 Festive Barbershop Melodies With Mellowchords, Outdoors various locations 16.15 - 16.45 Walk through Visits […]