
Kwaidan—Encounters with Lafcadio Hearn

Farmleigh Gallery Farmleigh House & Estate, Phoenix Park

An international touring exhibition of contemporary fine art prints by forty Irish and Japanese artists. Kwaidan - Encounters With Lafcadio Hearn is a touring exhibition of contemporary printmaking featuring […]

Park Perspectives

Cowshed Theatre Farmleigh Estate, Dublin

Park Perspectives, an exhibition by the Dublin Painting and Sketching Club in the Cowshed Gallery. Details coming soon!

Ghosts and Ghouls: The Undead Imagination of Lafcadio Hearn

Farmleigh House Farmleigh Estate, Phoenix Park

Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) is one of the most interesting, complex and entertaining writers ever to have been connected with Ireland. Born to a Greek mother and an Irish officer-surgeon in […]
