two birds/ one stone
10th June – 7th August 2016
two birds / one stone is an exhibition primarily of sculptural work selected by artist Janet Mullarney, focusing on how the choice of specific materials makes certain sculptures work. The title refers to how the unity of both concept and the visual tangibility of the chosen material is imperative to the reading of the work, a quality that may often be overlooked. Rendered in any other material would deny significantly this poetic mystery.
The artists are many and varied, the work mostly sculpture, or certainly sculptural. Some of the work of older artists has been made in the nineties and juxtaposes well with work being made by younger artists now.
The artists are Cecily Brennan, Dorothy Cross, Maud Cotter, Aleana Egan, John Gibbons, Tony Hill, Mary Kelly, Alice Maher, Eileen McDonagh, Locky Morris, Paul Mosse, Helen O’Leary, Niamh O’Malley, Adrian Paci, Rachel Parry, Alan Phelan, Kathy Prendegast, Linda Quinlan, David Quinn, Eddie Rafferty, Charles Tyrrell, Michael Warren and Daphne Wright .